In Episode 15 of “Play by Play,” Jesse Coleman Jr. gears up for an action-packed episode, delving into the electrifying world of football and basketball. Jesse...
In Episode 12 of “Play by Play,” Jesse Coleman Jr. delves into the thrilling world of football and basketball with a spotlight on the Dallas Cowboys...
Join Lance and Jay in Episode 3 of “Weekly Pick ‘Em” as they navigate the thrilling world of NFL predictions. After an exciting showdown in the...
In Episode 9 of “Play by Play,” we dive into the trade as James Harden joins the Clippers. We also discuss the Cowboys’ impressive Sunday victory...
In this special bonus episode of “Play by Play,” Jesse sits down with BriAnna Garza, a trailblazing figure in the world of basketball. As a shooting...
In the heart of Ohio lies the city of Toledo, a place where sports legends are born and celebrated. Among the pantheon of local heroes, Steve...
In the hallowed halls of Scott High School in Toledo, Ohio, the name Truman Claytor echoes through the years, resonating as a testament to the indomitable...
Kelvin Ransey, a former NBA player, left an indelible mark on the basketball court with his exceptional skills and contributions to the game. Born on May...
In the annals of Toledo, Ohio’s rich basketball history, few names shine as brightly as Todd Mitchell. His journey from the high school courts of Toledo...
In this episode of the Win or Lose Sports Show with Jay, Terry, and Ronnell, the dynamic trio dives deep into the world of sports. They...